Dongbuka No.21 Ship Investment Company
- Name
- Dongbuka No.21 Ship Investment Company
- Classification
- Paper company in possession of one vessel
- Target Asset
- 700 TEU container (Built in June 1992, approx. 13 years old, coastal feeder)
- Public Offering
- 15th ~ 16th December
- Duration
- 5 years (Capital parity refund in 2.4 years)
- Profit Sharing
- • Allotment: 7.0% annual from unredeemed capital
( IRR 6.8%, after taxation, 8.1% before), per quarter
- • Capital refund: Capital parity refund every quarter
- Total Investment
- \13.34 billion
(100% of ship cost and financial expenses, ship fund will be the unsubordinated creditor)
- KOMARF Investment
- \6.67 billion
- Ship Management
- Polaris Shipping Co., Re-chartering : Sinotrans Container Lines Co.,Ltd (Sinolines)
- Underwriter
- Tongyang Investment Bank, Shinyoung Securities underwriting syndicate
- Consignment Agreement
- Investment Management: KOMARF
- Custody Company:Korea Development Bank